Due October 19
Problem 1
Let X be a complete metric space.
- The countable intersection of dense $latex G_\delta$ sets in X is a dense $latex G_\delta$ set in X.
- If a set and its complement are dense subsets of X, at most one can be $latex G_\delta$.
- If X doesn't have isolated points, a countable dense subset of X cannot be $latex G_\delta$.
Problem 2
Let X be a complete metric space.
- If $latex O\subset X$ is open, then O is a metric subspace of the second category.
- If $latex \{F_n\}$ are closed subsets of X with $latex X = \bigcup_n F_n$, then $latex \bigcup_n \text{int}(F_n)$ is dense in X.
Problem 3
Let X be a complete metric space.
- The set of points of discontinuity of the characteristic function $latex \chi_O$ of an open set O is a nowhere dense subset of X.
- Given open sets $latex \{O_n\}$, there exists $latex x\in X$ such that $latex \chi_{O_n}$ is continuous at x for each n.
Problem 4
Let $latex d(x) = d(x,\Z)$ denote the distance from $latex x\in\R$ to the nearest integer. For $latex q\in\Z_+, \alpha>0$, define the sets
$latex U_\alpha(q) = \{x\in\R: d(qx)< q^{-\alpha}\}$
$latex Y_\alpha = \{x\in\R: x$ belongs to infinitely many $latex U_\alpha(q)\}$.
- $latex Y_\alpha$ is a $latex G_\delta$ subset of $latex \R$
- $latex X = \bigcap_{\alpha>0} Y_\alpha$ is a dense $latex G_\delta$ subset of $latex \R$.
- For each $latex x\in\R$, $latex x\not\in X$ iff there exists a polynomial p over $latex \R$ such that $latex p(n)d(nx)>1$ for all $latex n\ge1$.
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